Bandung 2014

Hmmm, its my 2nd time to Bandung but surprisingly last year during the same time I was here. Looks like Bandung love to have me. Or otherwise ;-)

Well, this time its family trip, with my adopted family. To be more precise, its my little grown up 18th years old brothers birthday!

We actually planned to stay only 1 night and with limited people. As the days past, the plans grow, the amount of people and nights grew together. Yeah 20 of us went there for 3d2n stay at Lembang, Bandung.

Since its during Chinese New Year, we had to take 2 villas for each night. Difficult to get villa.

First Villa - Omah Angkul Angkul

Its a 4 Bedroom full furnished Villa with swimming pool and breakfast provided. The place was super cooling and relax. We had great fun pushing each other into the pool, lots of betrayal happens when anyone goes near the pool. Therefore, everyone had to carry their mobile phone or camera in order to avoid being pushed. Hahahaha..Lots of fun!

Betrayal Session

Second Betrayal

Hahaha, No comments


We cooked our self as there is a kitchen with utinsils. Since we are in a large group and the weather was cold, we don't mind of the taste. As long, ITS FOOD!

Happy Birthday Denden!

Celebrated the birthday there.

Second Villa - Lembang Asri Resort


2nd Living Room

One of the 4 Bedroom

This place is not so far with our first villa. The resort only has 2 bungalows as their main business is small individual villas. Their place are best for team building as they have facilities like flying fox, ATV and etc.
ATV Session

ATV Session

ATV Session
We had great fun playing ATV. It was my first time. Lunch we had at Kampung Daun where you will be surrounded with green sceneries. Its totally different and worth trying. But when comes to the food, hmmm so so lar. The night we had corn bbq at home.

Entrance of Kampung Daun
Path to Our Table

Gula Kapas

Place to Dine In

View from our table


One of our Dish

The last day during our journey home, we stopped at Rumah Sosis which only sells home made sausages and Rumah Mode which sells apparels from factory.

The Ladies

Conclusion, had great fun!


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