Tarutong - Salib Kasih, Pemandian Air Soda, Hutaginjang & TB. Silalahi Center, Balige

Last Day of  my adventure trip was at Tarutong. We went to one of the crucial place which is called Salib Kasih.
Tarutong Entrance

Salib Kasih

In the year 1862, Dr Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen was the first one to bring Christianity to Sumatra especially to Bataks. Initially he struggled, but he was determined. Before he dies, the church that he initiated already has 180,000 members, with 34 Batak pastors and 788 teacher-preachers. (Source, Wikipedia).
Dr. Il. Nommensen

Walking Journey to Salib Kasih

Salib Kasih

Foot Step of Dr Il Nommensen

First Church at Sumatra

Salib Kasih is the place that has his history, foot prints and other important details. It was a very peaceful journey. More like pilgrimage. 

Pemandian Air Soda

This was an amazing place because you can see natural soda water from the earth. This miracle only can be found at two place. One of course at Tarutong and the one is at Venezuela. I can't effort to go there for now, this is good enough for me ;-)

Soda Pool

The White Bubble is Soda

The pool is not too big and surprisingly the soda water only can be seen in the pool and not other places around the area. I was told that the owner does not want to sell or give up the land to anyone for development as its against their believe and it belongs to their descent. (Hmmm, not sure how true is that).

The water taste salty but not sticky because its soda. Interesting huh!


Scenery from Hutaginjang

Next was to Hutaginjang. Here we can to see great panorama view of Muara and the Lake Toba itself. You can find lots of monkey and its cold here.

TB. Silalahi Center

This is a muzium which has details about Bataks and their country's hero TB. Silalahi. Its located at Balige. Reading the history of Bataks was very interesting. I wish I had more time to spend but too bad limited time. Some of the interesting facts was before Christianity came into Sumatra, Bataks uses a lot of black magic rituals in their life's. For example, the King will conduct a ritual to get water source from earth. 

TB. Silalahi

Bataks Traditional House

Traditional Batak Boat

This is where Buffalo are parked, under the house. 

Place where meeting is conducted

King is conducting ritual to get water from earth

Karo Home, Can you believe more than 8 families can stay in this house?

The King of King

Traditional Toba Wedding Costume

The center was the last location of our trip. It was the most interesting trip ever in my life. Will I go again to Medan? Yes I WILL.


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