Sepiso Piso, Taman Wisata Iman & Panorama Indah Tele at Medan

Left home early morning to start our 'Go around Lake Toba' trip. Before the journey starts, we had good breakfast. Always remember, Parapat has good noodles! It was a cooling and bright day.  On the way we did stop because the road was horrible and I had to throw out. But trust me after that I felt much better. So the moral of the story is not control if you feel like throwing out ;-)

View from the Road
Check out the Road

Sipiso Piso Falls -"Like a Knife"

Almost 2 hours driving, we reach to a place called Sipiso piso. Seriously, the best waterfall I have ever seen. Its 120 meter height and the highest waterfall in Indonesia. Wow right!

The Falls
The View from Sipiso Piso

The view was magnificent. There is steps that we can go down. It is called as the Seribu Tangga which means 1000 steps. Do you think I will go down all the way to see the falls? Yes I will but unfortunately due to the limited time, I can't make it.

Taman Wisata Iman - Religious Park

Journey continues to Taman Wisata Iman at Sidikalang. When we reach there, I automatically felt very peaceful. It was a quite place. One of the specialty of this place are there is 5 main religion (In Indonesia) portrayed using miniature and beautiful landscape.

Since we was rushing, we only managed to go to the Christian walk. It was a journey of Jesus and him being crucified. It was very sad to the miniature and the final destination of Jesus.

Panorama View of Tele

The Map of Lake Toba
The View

Next was going up to hill to view the Lake Toba. Super cold!!! I had hot tea and enjoyed the cold weather.
We checked into a hotel at Tarutong. It was already night when we reached there. Didn't really like the hotel, but its an adventurous trip. What can I expect?

That's all for the day.


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