Small Realisation of Mine

2 weeks of search ended yesterday when the Malaysian Prime Minister announced the sad conclusion of MH370. I don't want to comment anything about how the plane crash.

I just want to share what I felt & learned personally yesterday after hearing the news. I was only thinking of myself where I'm currently working at Jakarta leaving behind my family, friends and my loved ones. Every month when I return to Jakarta I look forward the next trip I will be back home to be with them.

239 person who was on board. Some was going home, some was on business trip and some was on vacation. I'm sure all of them had their plans after they step out from the flight. But too bad, sometimes things does not happen as we planned.  They would have dreams but never did come true. 

I too have so many dreams and plans. However I don't know what holds for me, my family, friends and my loved one the very next moment. All I know now is I have to try my best to spend time with them before its too late. 

Yeah I know there are so many incidents and accidents that made families to loose their loved ones. Even without those above, there is deadline for every humans who are born in this world. For me MH370 made me think and realise.

I hope its never too late for me to return home and I'm working on it. I just want them to know that I love to be there for them.

Dedicating this to my family, friends and my loved one.


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