Parapat & Pulau Samosir, Medan

Medan was never in my vacation list this year. It just got slot in without me realizing. But I would consider my self blessed to visit this beautiful and amazing place.

This time I did not travel with my mom. I was with my adopt sis and her friend. We flew from Jakarta to Polonia, Medan. So you should know that this was not a latest vacation of mine. Anyway, I was mesmerize with the view when I was almost reaching. It was full with mountains!

The Ariel View
Before landing, I would like to share some info about Medan;

  • Medan is located at North Sumatra
  • Lake Toba is the largest lake in Indonesia and the largest volcanic lake in the world
  • Majority people living around Lake Toba are Bataks and majority are Christians

Polonia, Medan

Polonia, Medan Airport

Just Got Landed

Welcome to Medan

Finally after 2 hours we landed at Polonia. There was a driver already waiting for us. Next 4 hours was in the car. Our destination is to Parapat. I hated the journey, because the driver was driving super speed and I was told that it is consider as normal speed. It was a washing machine spin experience for me.



Lake Toba

Lake Toba
Boat at Lake Toba

I was so excited when I reach Parapat. The view of Lake Toba was amazing and peaceful. Once reach home (adopted family leaves here, Togatorop family), went for boating at Lake Toba. The weather was cold. Nothing much was done on the first day as all of us was very tired. Tomorrow we have a long day to go.

Pulau Samosir 

On The Way to Samosir Island

The next day early morning we took the boat to Pulau Samosir (Samosir Island). An island in the lake, nice right! 20 minutes boat ride was fun. There was small kids singing and the we was surrounded with the beautiful mountains.


Traditional Batak House-Remember to ask permission before getting into the house

Si Gale-Gale & My Self Wearing Ulos

We brought our bike so that it will be easier to travel. Once we reach Samosir, I noticed it was super hot. Thank god my sis told me to bring my jacket. First location was Tomok. We got a chance to listen and watch Si Gale-Gale show. It was different. 

Next to it was 'Tukkot Panaluan' which means Stick used by King. Can you believe the Stick in the picture was made using one whole tree?

Tukkot Panaluan

The Interior of Tukkot Panaluan

Raja Sidabutar Tomb Tomok

The Entrance

The Tomb

King's Tomb

Tukkot Panaluan

Ancient Rituals
The King Sidabutor tomb is a well respected place by the Bataks. Before we can get into the tomb, we will be given a material called 'Ulos' which looks like shawl. Its a sign of respect to the King. The tomb is made of stone because it was before Christianity step in. So the funeral ritual is based on the original Batak culture. 

Batak Museum

Batak Museum

Batak Museum

Very close to the tomb, there is a small museum which has all the tradition stuff used and currently being used by Bataks. Along the way, there is lots of souvenir shops.


Scenery of Lake Toba from Tele

Scenery of Lake Toba from Tele

Bamboo Bar


Restaurant Atmosphere

Took the bike and went to Tele. My god, the combination of the view and wind was beyond words. Tele is well known for long stay Europeans. We had our lunch in one of the restaurant but would not recommend the food there. The atmosphere is worth to try. That was the end of Pulau Samosir.

'Istana Presiden' President Palace

The Presidents Palace

It was around 6.30pm when we reach the President Palace. I was told that the Indonesia president was hiding in this palace once. 

Sunset at Lake Toba

Sun Set

Sun Set

The biggest lake I have ever swim. So cold but it was so romantic watching the sunset. Too bad, I'm not with a guy. Hmmm...

Cute Watermelon

Cutie Melon

Went back home by bike shivering in cold. Saw a watermelon in the kitchen. It look different. Usually, watermelon looks sfera but this one looks oval. Nice, nice.

End of Day 2.


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