Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 1

Hi there!I know.. I know.. its been almost a year I did not write anything in my blog. The reason would be my dad's sudden death. But that's a sad story. Lets not touch there yea.

I need to update what I did in this ONE YEAR! Honestly time flies but I managed to catch some for my vacation and self healing session.

Where did I go??? Tadaaaa its Siem Reap, Cambodia!

It was a sisters vacation & we had great time together as its our first time out together to a foreign land. Why Cambodia was because of its Architecture.

I actually booked 4 days 3 nights via a tour. It costed me around RM550. Trust me it was really worth the money. Ok why we took tour and not go around our self?

1. I don't understand or speak their language
2. I'm not familiar with the place
3. Afraid of the crime rate
4. Currency! They mostly use USD
5. Food as my sister and I are not adventurous eater and bringing my sister out for the first time I need to ensure everything is tip to the top. So that next time she wants to join with me again. Hahahaha! 

But during the our vacation I start to understand some of the above points are rubbish!

When we arrive our tour guide Mr Robin was waiting for us. Simple and humble gentleman. Brought us to the first location which was the War Memorial Museum.
Our Driver

Siem Reap Street

War Memorial Park

War Memorial Park

Names of the War Heroes



We was surprised as the architecture was like something like the Hindu myths and yes Robin said it is based on Hindu myths and legends. Even the name was very similar. Its just the way the pronounce sounds like Chinese man speaking in Tamil.

Artisan D'Angkor

The Cute Patti

Next was to the Artisan D'Angkor Gallery. Trust me for the first time I witness how they actually carve stone and wood. They actually demonstrate their skills. It was amazing. I actually felt bad and thought to myself that I should not bargain carving based art because its not easy. Some of it takes months and they also have QUALITY CONTROL!

Nest location was lunch! We was dying in hunger and sun. Robin brought us to Muslim restaurant as we requested for halal food. It was acceptable and nothing to shout about. 

Angkoriana Hotel

We checked in to our Hotel named Angkoriana Hotel. Perfect location (located right opposite National Museum) and the rooms was clean, spacious and we had nothing to complain about the room. Its just there was no elevator but we did not mind as our room was just at 2nd floor.

Spa in the Room

War Memorial Museum

That evening Robin brought us to War Memorial Museum.

Here we felt sad as you can see lots of skeleton as people was tortured by Vietnamese (those time la, according to Robin) especially their targets are those professionals. Long story laaaa...You guys can Google or directly visit the place.


Dinner time, another Halal restaurant tasted so and so. Maybe because we Malaysian have tasted best food in our country that's why I kinda find foreign food are so so.

Night we went to old market and SHOPPPINGGGGGGG!
